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Elin Leyonberg
Evans Korang Adjei
Gergo Toth
Johan Lundberg

Director of CERUM. My research include regional growth and migration, local public expenditures-, investments and taxes, local labor markets, consumer behavior, and public procurement.

Jonas Westin

Researches mathematical methods and models to investigate social science problems. Teaches courses in mathematical modeling and project courses for civil engineering students.

Karin Nilsson
Lars Westin

Professor in Regional Economics

Mattias Näsman

Mattias Näsmans’ research investigates how historical actors and processes have either created obstacles or facilitated the transition of society and the economy towards sustainability.

Rikard Eriksson

Professor of Economic Geography with special interest in employment, structural change and regional development. Associate head of department (Geography) and co-director at Cerum.

Zoltán Elekes

PhD in economics, interested in combining evolutionary economic geography and network science: structural change, regional economic resilience, collaborative knowledge production and more.

Latest update: 2018-12-05