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Contact us


Anderz Andersson
Anna Rantala

Anna Rantala serves as a university lecturer at the Center for School Leader Development within the Department of Political Science. She holds a doctoral degree in educational work.

Björn Ahlström
Elin Stark

Elin Stark is associate professor in educational leadership at the Centre for Principal Development.

Eva Sundström
Ewa Morén

Administrator, finance and education

Frida Grimm

PhD in Education. Lecturer at the Centre for principal development. My research interests are leadership for learning, professional development and school development. 

Gudrun Svedberg
Helene Ärlestig

Helene Ärlestig is professor in educational administration and director for Centre for Principal Development

Ida Johansson
Katarina Roos
Lars Norqvist

Senior lecturer and temporary substitute head of the Centre for Principal Development (CPD), Department of Political science

Linn Antonsson
Magnus Larsson
Malin Benerdal
Malin Österlind
Maria Wester

Pedagogic developer, Ph D in Educational Work.

Rika Rostika

I conduct research on the work of school principals in understanding multilingualism and navigating the challenges and opportunities of leading schools with multilingual environments in Sweden.

Staffan Ingmanson
Tobias Richard
Ulf Leo
Latest update: 2019-04-30