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Centre for Educational Development

Image: Pxhere

The Centre for Educational Development (UPL) has the overall task of promoting pedagogical development and research in higher education at Umeå university. Through a wide range of courses, workshops and seminars for professional development in higher education we give all teachers at the university an opportunity to continuously develop their pedagogical skills.

About UPL


UPL has a wide variety of teacher training for developing pedagogical skills.

Support for e-learning

UPL offers support for both staff and students in the e-learning systems at Umeå university.

Collaborate with us

UPL is one of Sweden's biggest departments for educational development and we collaborate with many partners.

Projects in higher education pedagogy

UPL is currently running three higher education pedagogical projects. All projects run from 2022 to 2025.

Currently at UPL

Supervising students. Day 1-2
Supervising students. Day 1-2
Time 20 March at 08:30 until 21 March at 16:30 20 March at 08:30 until 21 March at 16:30
Place UPL, Naturvetarhuset

Course. An important part of the teaching mission in higher education is to supervise students at undergraduate and advanced levels.

How to design a "good" Canvas site
How to design a "good" Canvas site
Time 10:00 - 12:00 20 March 10:00 - 12:00
Place Stora konferensrummet - UPL, Natural Science Building

Workshop. How to design a "good" Canvas site

Creativity and co-creation in higher education, Autumn 24-Spring 25, Day 8-9
Creativity and co-creation in higher education, Autumn 24-Spring 25, Day 8-9
Time 26 March at 09:00 until 27 March at 16:30 26 March at 09:00 until 27 March at 16:30
Place Will be announced in the learning platform

Course. Do you have a great interest in pedagogy? Do you want to explore new ways to develop your teaching and higher education together with others?


KOM - Workshop: Power to the Point
KOM - Workshop: Power to the Point
Time 13:00 - 16:30 2 April 13:00 - 16:30
Place UPL, Läraren

Course. The workshop focuses on different aspects of communication in teaching, especially on the effects of different ways of communicating on the learning

Education for sustainable development, Spring 2025, day 5-6
Education for sustainable development, Spring 2025, day 5-6
Time 3 April at 08:30 until 4 April at 16:30 3 April at 08:30 until 4 April at 16:30
Place Läraren, UPL

Course. Develop your knowledge of sustainable development and education for sustainable development.