With the search tool FOLKNET you can get easy access to Swedish population statistics in parishes, towns and municipalities, collected every ten years between 1810 and 1990.
With the FOLKNET database you get access to population statistics on a local and regional level, 1810-1990.
With the search tool FOLKNET you can select any geographical area – a single parish or town, or all parishes and towns in the country – for a chosen time. However, the search tool and the information in the database are unfortunately only available in Swedish.
Info about the database FOLKNET The database FOLKNET contains information about the entire population in Swedish parishes, towns, and existing municipalities, which was obtained every ten years during the period 1810-1990.
This data was originally collected from Statistics Sweden by the enthusiast Christian Swärd, and some additional information was also taken in from Tabellverket. He left all collected statistics to the Demographic Data Base to digitize.
Latest update: 2022-08-18
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