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The SUMFOLK database

The SUMFOLK database contains information on population and migration for the years 1895 - 1930.

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Search in parish statistics on migration, population and the number of births and deaths.

Compilation of aggregated population reports, 1895-1930

The basic sources are the aggregated population reports based on information sent each year to Statistics Sweden (SCB) from the country's parishes and covering the period 1865-1940. During the 1930s Gunnar Myrdal and his research group made a handwritten compilation of certain information from these on special excerpt forms. The compilations were made for all available areas in Sweden for the years 1895-1930.

Processing and availability

These forms have been available to the Demographic Database (DDB) and during the 1990s they were registered and saved, digitally. Successively, a number of revisions have been made to the database to make it easier for researchers to use. In particular, the registered geographical areas have been coded to make them standardised.
All data can be searched and downloaded via the Search tool SUMFOLK.

Latest update: 2022-02-02