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The database POPUM contains individual level data from the 17th century up to c 1910 collected from church registers. Data cover 75 parishes grouped into four different geographical Swedish areas.

  • The Sundsvall area consists of 17 parishes. The development of the area was directly dependent on the expansion of the sawmill industry from the mid-19th century. Data from Sundsvall have contributed with important findings about the breakthrough of industrialism in Sweden.

  • The Linköping area consists of 28 parishes. Linköping represents at traditional Swedish agricultural area with mixed farming, small industries and foundries. Data also comprises two large parishes in the cathedral city Linköping.  

  • The northern Västerbotten area, consists of 16 parishes in northern Västerbotten and southern Norbotten. It captures mountains, inland- and coastal parishes with different social and economic structures and conditions, predominantly small-scale agriculture and forestry.  

  • The northern inland and the area following the Scandinavian Mountain chain covers the western parts of Jämtland and Norrbotten and consists of 14 parishes, including 5 non-territorial. Here – in the former Sámi-dominated region – the development is characterized by colonization and later the expansion of mining and hydropower.

You can search for information from the POPUM database yourself, either by using the Familia search tool or by making a retrieval from SwedPop.se

However, the Familia search tool is unfortunately only available in Swedish.

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Latest update: 2025-02-03