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Sample collections and registers

Descriptions of sample collections and registers.

Northern Sweden Health and Disease Study, NSHDS

NSHDS is a prospectively collected biobank with survey data from ca 143,000 individuals in Northern Sweden.

Northern Sweden Diet Database, NSDD

NSDD is a database with questionnaire data on diet from the VIP and MONICA studies.

Biobank Deposit Boxes

The so-called deposit boxes are often sample series from individuals who are already sick.


DiabNorth includes people with diabetes who have participated in VIP or the MONICA study.

The Northern Sweden Maternity Cohort

The cohort contains over 161,000 serum samples from 113,000 pregnant women.

The OMICS database

The OMICS database is a collection of GWAS data and other data collections generated from biobank samples.

Latest update: 2020-11-20