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The Arctic Five

Umeå University is part of a unique collaboration together with four Arctic universities in Sweden, Finland and Norway with the aim to lead the way in Arctic issues. This alliance has a signed agreement on a "Joint Arctic Agenda", where the goal is to advance and share knowledge, education, research and innovations to develop a more sustainable Arctic. Together, the universities form The Arctic Five.

We are the Arctic Five

Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Umeå University, Sweden
The University of Lapland, Finland
The University of Oulu, Finland

Visit our website!


The Arctic Five is a collaboration between the five Arctic universities in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Each university has representatives in the Rector's council, Executive Team, Student's Team, and Communications Team. The Arctic Five Chairs and Fellows programmes have representatives from each university. 

Umeå University representatives


Porträtt på Hans Pettersson, forskare vid Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Umeå universitet.

Hans Pettersson

Arctic Five Chair

Research fellow at Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

My project is about the impact of climate and weather on outdoor workers’ performance, health, and safety. 

Read more about Hans Pettersson

Janina Priebe

Janina Priebe

Arctic Five Chair

Associate professor at Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

My project examines how global goals are translated by corporate actors and projected onto the Arctic.

Read more about Janina Priebe

Porträtt på Miguel San Sebastian

Miguel San Sebastian

Arctic Five Chair

Professor at Department of Epidemiology and Global Health

My project aims to build institutional capacity in Sámi health research and education.

Read more about Miguel San Sebastian


Philip Jerand, Idé- och samhällsstudier vid Umeå universitet.

Philip Jerand

Arctic Five Fellow

Senior research assistant at Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

Read more about Philip Jerand

Audrey Schillings

Audrey Schillings

Arctic Five Fellow

Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physics

Read more about Audrey Schillings

Albin Stjernbrandt

Albin Stjernbrandt

Arctic Five Fellow

Research Fellow at Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

Read more about Albin Stjernbrandt


Magnus Zingmark

Arctic Five Fellow

Associate professor at Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation

Read more about Magnus Zingmark

Student's Team

Victor Holmström, President
Umeå student union

William Nordberg, Chairman
Umeå Student Union of Science and Technology (NTK)

Samuel Sahlin, Head of Educational Matters
Umeå Student Union of Science and Technology (NTK)

Communications Team

Monica Börlin

Monica Börlin

Communications Officer

Communications Officer at Arctic Centre at Umeå University

Read more about Monica Börlin


More information

Keith Larson


+46 90 786 50 29

Office: NBET.A.345


Anngelica Kristoferqvist

Anngelica Kristoferqvist

Education Project Coordinator

+46 90 786 54 35
+46 76 696 24 35

Office: NBET.A.347


Umeå University's Arctic Five Chairs Announced

Umeå university has received five new Arctic Five Chairs 2024-2026.

Hans Pettersson, Albin Stjernbrandt, Rebecca Tapper, and Jens Wahlström
Umeå University is highly represented at Arctic Congress 2024

The Arctic Congress 2024 gathered many researchers from Umeå University who presented their research.

Dag Avango and Lars Kullerud shake hands
The Arctic Five becomes a new UArctic Regional Centre

The Arctic Five has officially been established as a UArctic Regional Centre.

Äldre kvinna sitter i trädgård och läser bok i kvällsljus.
Conference on Tourism Benefits Reseach About Ageing

Magnus Zingmark participated at a research conference in Östersund to present two projects.

Bild på studenter som grupparbetar
Graduate School Highlights Crucial Workplace Issues in the Arctic

The Arctic Graduate School with a focus on Sustainable Development delve into workplace conditions and health.

Four new research Fellows for The Arctic Five’s Fellows Programme

Four doctoral students and postdocs at Umeå University were selected after the Arctic Five Fellows call.

Environmental history perspectives on transformation and sustainability in the Arctic

Arctic Centre Funding – Read about Janina Priebe and her presentation at the Arctic Science Summit Week, 2023.

Bild från fältarbete i fjällen
Open Call: Arctic Five Fellows

Between January 27 and March 17, you can apply for The Arctic Five's Fellows call.

Man gör ett megafonutrop.
Arctic Five Fellows pre-call announcement

Arctic Five will launch its Pilot call for Arctic Five Fellows on January 27, 2023.

Latest update: 2024-06-13