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Seed Funding for Interdisciplinary Forest Research

Do you have an idea for interdisciplinary forest research? Future Forests offers seed funding for innovative projects aimed at sustainable forestry development twice a year for both junior and established researchers.

In addition to funding your project, we aim to support you throughout the entire process—from idea conception to implementation. We provide assistance in forming new interdisciplinary collaborations and grant access to a leading network in sustainable forest development.

The Fall 2024 funding round closes on October 6, 2024.

Funding amount

You may apply for funding between 50,000 and 100,000 SEK for your project.

Eligible expenses

  • Pilot studies
  • Short research projects
  • Surveys and interview studies
  • Scientific compilations
  • Larger project applications
  • Salary costs and travel
  • Seminars and workshops
  • Collaborations with industry and societal actors
  • ...and more

Projects that involve early-career researchers and collaborations with industry or societal stakeholders are particularly encouraged.


  • All research staff (including researchers, faculty, or doctoral students at any career level) employed at Umeå University, SLU, or Skogforsk are encouraged to apply.
  • The project must be relevant to the sustainable development of future forests.

Application process

Submit the proposal as a PDF to futureforests@slu.se. The proposal should contain the following information:

  • Short CVs of the project leader and co-applicants (max 0,5 page for each applicant).
  • Project description (maximum 1 page, font size 11, Arial) describing;
    • Purpose and aims and how the proposal is inter-, trans- or multidisciplinary.
    • Planned activities including timeline and budget.
    • Participating persons and the contribution of each partner.

Selection Criteria

Proposals will be prioritized based on:

  1. The potential of the project to contribute to interdisciplinary research.
  2. The project being relevant for forest science and forestry.
  3. The involvement of early career scientists as well as non-academic actors.
  4. The feasibility of the project in terms of timeline and budget.
  5. The novelty of the project for providing innovative solutions to current problems with in the forest sector.

What Happens Next?

Our working group will review all applications and contact you to discuss and potentially refine your proposal. The final decision will be made by the steering group, and results will be communicated approximately one month after the application deadline.

An approved project can commence immediately after a contract is established and signed, lasting up to 12 months. A final report must be submitted to the Future Forests administration no later than two months after the project's end date.

Join the Future Forests Community

We're committed to supporting you every step of the way. For guidance on the application process or any questions, please reach out to the assistant program leader Janina Priebe.


Janina Priebe
Associate professor
Latest update: 2024-09-18