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Future Forests shared German forestry insights at a Christmas mingle, inspiring forest enthusiasts.
UmArts hosted a day long colloquium that focused on forest research representation.
Experts discuss forests' future at 'Northern Forests in Security, Stability and Sustainability' seminar
Future Forests hosted a workshop for young researchers that emphasized interdisciplinary collaboration.
Future Forests funds novel study exploring ecological pilgrimage and sustainable tourism practices.
Klara Härgestam discusses emotions and arguments in the forest debate at Bildmuseet
Explore Iceland with Scholarships from the Royal Skytteanska Society. Apply by October 11
Future Forests organised a field trip exploring the historical and contemporary significance of baggböleri
UMU and SLU researchers went to Vännforsbäck for an artwork inauguration.
Forest Social: PhD Student Klara Härgestam talks about the forest debate and people's relation to the forest.
On April 27, 2024, Skogsungdomarna organised a forest history excursion in Kulbäcksliden for their members.
Read about Skogsungdomarna – a meeting place for young people interested in forests in Västerbotten.
A workshop offered an examination of transitions within Japanese and Swedish forestry at MIRAI 2.0.
UMArts and Future Forests funds the architectural research project Sweden's Timber Empire.
Researcher Hanna Lempinen held two seminars on peat energy during her visit as at Umeå University.
Arctic Centre Funding – Read about Janina Priebe and her presentation at the Arctic Science Summit Week, 2023.
When is a collaborative process a working way to handle a natural resource conflict?