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Image: Magnus Johansson, Flickr

Perspectives on Sustainability in Arctic Research I (5 ECTS)

Welcome to the Arctic Graduate School's seminar series on sustainability in the Arctic!

Perspectives on Sustainability in Arctic Research I is a seminar series that provides an in-depth introduction to Arctic research with a focus on sustainability. The course is organized by Umeå University in collaboration with two Arctic Five universities: UiT The Arctic University of Norway and the University of Lapland.

Arctic Seminar Series 2024/2025

Each month, an expert in Arctic research shares their knowledge and insights during a seminar. The seminars are open to the public, and we encourage everyone interested to register and participate online. Take the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of sustainability and Arctic research through our seminar series. We look forward to see you online!

Fall 2024:

12 September 12:15–14:00
10 October 12:15–14:00
7 November 12:15–14:00
5 December 12:15–14:00

Spring 2025:

Dates to be announced


Registration form (For Doctoral students at Umeå Univesity)

Note that this application form is for Doctoral students at Umeå University only! See below for other registration possibilities.

Doctoral students at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

Doctoral students can apply for the course SVF-8602 Changing Arctic Seminar. One semester, oral exam 2ECTS.

Deadline for registration: 1 September

Doctoral students at University of Lapland

Doctoral students can apply for the course TUKO1301 Introduction to Arctic Research. Two semesters, written home exam, 5 ECTS.

Deadline for registration: 1 September.

Public attendees

Registration form

Deadline for registration: September 1


Anngelica Kristoferqvist
Other position, education coordinator
Latest update: 2024-06-18