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PhD candidate Lena Leimgruber presented her research on Arctic literature and speculative fiction.
Doctoral student Madelen Johansson held her mid seminar where she presented her dissertation on Israel Ruong.
Arctic study trip to Kiruna offers doctoral students key insights and networking opportunities
Doctoral student Rebecca Tapper presented her research project ArctiHealth at her mid seminar.
The Arctic Graduate School had a kick-off for the school's Doctoral students and their supervisors.
The Arctic Congress 2024 gathered many researchers from Umeå University who presented their research.
Doctoral students at the Arctic Graduate School went on a doctoral course and field trip to Rovaniemi.
PhD candidate Richard Johansson went from Kiruna to Umeå to attend a PhD course and Arctic Forum 2023.
Doctoral student Maria Camila Urrea went on a scouting trip to sample several Northern mine-impacted lakes.
The Arctic Graduate School with a focus on Sustainable Development delve into workplace conditions and health.
Doctoral student Hilde Weiser went to Italy to present her Doctoral project and host a workshop.
PhD researcher Mikaela Wikström attended NordMedia 2023. The activity was funded by Arctic Centre.
Arctic Centre funding – Read about Hilde Weiser and her participation at a Doctoral course in Copenhagen.
Read about Arctic Centre's visit to Canada and the UArctic Assembly 2023.
6 out of 13 applications have been granted funding for their Arctic research projects.
Arctic Centre Funding – Read about Rebecca Tapper and her visit to Tromsø and the NIVA Course.
The Arctic Graduate School is up and running after a kick-off day at the start of the Autumn semester.
Twice as many applications as available spots
Arctic Centre welcomes our new colleague Linda Lundmark.
Senior lecturers and professors at UMU are welcome to apply