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Here, you can find contact information to the staff at the Arctic Centre.
+46 90 786 50 29keith.larson@umu.se
Office: A Working Lab
Research Project Coordinator
+46 90 786 59 59+46 70 375 86 42lena.nilsson@umu.se
Project Coordinator
+46 90 786 54 35+46 76 696 24 35anngelica.kristoferqvist@umu.se
Head of the Arctic Graduate School
+46 90 786 63 60linda.lundmark@umu.se
Communications Officer
+46 90 786 70 70monica.borlin@umu.se
Deputy Director
Economy Administrator
Office:Humanities House, level 1
Systems administrator
+46 90 786 57 23magnus.nordstrom@umu.se
Office: HUM HE221
Where to find us
We are located in A Working Lab in Universum. See digital map.
Postal address
Arctic Centre at Umeå UniversityA Working Lab UniversumUniversums gränd 8907 36 UMEÅSWEDEN