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News from the Arctic Centre


Welcome to SEE Sustainability Week 2021
Published: 2021-09-16

Sustainability Week wants to let you feel, talk, taste and network for a whole week or just a short while

Urban Arctic
Published: 2021-08-26

Arctic Five arranged the summer school Urban Arctic for Arctic PhD students

Arcum is looking for a Director of the Arctic Graduate School
Published: 2021-06-21

Senior lecturers and professors at UMU are welcome to apply

Metallföroreningar i vattenmiljön påverkar även fåglar på land
Published: 2021-04-07

Johan Lidman shows in his dissertation that metals in water have negative effects on insect-eating birds.

Arcum's announcement of funding, spring 2021
Published: 2021-03-26

Call for spring 2021 open

The local voice in the Arctic
Published: 2021-03-25

Arctic Mayors’ Forum aims to safeguard values, goals and interests of the Arctic people

Report on supplementary feeding in reindeer husbandry
Published: 2021-02-19

The report that 'UAS Feb 2021: Supplementary feeding in reindeer husbandry' was based on is available here

Umeå researcher appointed French knight
Published: 2021-02-05

The Order of Academic Palms has been awarded Lena Maria Nilsson

High greenhouse gas emissions from Siberian Inland Waters
Published: 2021-02-05

Umeå researchers show that carbon emissions from rivers and lakes exceed coal exports to the Arctic Ocean.

Health research and Sami Anthology at Jokkmokk's Winter Market
Published: 2021-02-04

Three researchers associated to Arcum at Jokkmokk's traditional Winter Market, this year held online

Nordic knowledge on challenges with supplementary feeding of reindeer
Published: 2021-02-03

Reindeer herders are forced to support feeding when weather and little food make it difficult for reindeer.

Compilation of EU public consultation of its Arctic strategy
Published: 2021-01-26

Today the European Commission released the summary of the public consultation preceding the new Arctic policy

Arcum has a new Director
Published: 2021-01-21

Niklas Eklund leads the center as its founder, Peter Sköld, moves on to new tasks at Umeå University

Nutrients affect Arctic freshwater responses to global warming
Published: 2021-01-20

Maria Myrstener shows that this has the potential to decrease primary productivity of these ecosystems.

New book on Life in extreme environments
Published: 2020-12-14

Arcum affiliate Natuschka Lee is the editor and author of a new book about life in extreme environments

Latest update: 2023-12-20