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Recruiting a new vice-chancellor of Umeå University

In 2024, Umeå University will be recruiting a new vice-chancellor. This page describes the process and the timetable.

Vice-Chancellor Hans Adolfsson’s current term of office ends on 30 June 2025, and he has announced that he will not be available for re-election for another three-year period. At their assembly on 6 December, the University Board hence decided to initiate a recruitment process to find a new vice-chancellor from 1 July 2025 and six years onwards.

The recruitment process

When Umeå University recruits a new vice-chancellor, it is up to the University Board to establish what qualifications any applicants must meet and a timetable for the recruitment process. According to the Higher Education Ordinance, the University Board must submit a proposal for a vice-chancellor candidate to the Swedish government after having consulted teachers, other staff and students in the manner determined by the Board. At Umeå University, this consultation takes place through a consultative assembly. Normally, a vice-chancellor is appointed for a six-year period, with the possibility for reappointment for another two three-year periods. 

The University Board has, among its members, appointed a recruitment committee, which has the operative responsibility for the recruitment process under the management of the chairperson.

The Recruitment Committee consists of:  

  • Anna Ekström, Chair of the University Board  
  • Eva Malmström Jonsson, Professor
  • Sverker Sörlin, Professor
  • Görel Granström, Docent
  • William Nordberg, student, Umeå Student Union of Science and Technology
  • Peter Lindström, Associate Professor, representative of the trade unions

Consultation of teachers and others takes place in the Consultative Assembly consisting of 45 teachers, 22 students, 22 other staff members, and trade union representatives. Chair of the Consultative Assembly is Professor Richard Bindler.




Board decisions about appointing the Recruitment Committee and timetable. The Recruitment Committee convenes. A description of the required qualifications for the position is drafted and a recruitment company is proposed. Consultation with the Consultative Assembly about the required qualifications.



Recruitment Committee assembles and agrees on the description of required qualifications and a recruitment company. Members of the Consultative Assembly are informed. Faculties appoints the chair, vice chair and secretary of the Consultative Assembly.


The University Board adopts the description of required qualifications.


Consultative Assembly convenes for the first time.


Job advertising and recruitment campaign is initiated as well as internal nomination process for students and staff.


7 May is the deadline for nominating candidates for the post as vice-chancellor. 31 May is the final day for candidates to submit their applications. That concludes the application process.  


The Recruitment Committee decides on which candidates to interview.


The Recruitment Committee conducts the interviews.


The Recruitment Committee convenes to suggest final candidates, and the Board decides on which candidates to invite for a hearing.


The Consultative Assembly holds hearings on 16 October.


The Recruitment Committee convenes to agree on a candidate to propose to the Board.


The Board decides on the proposal of a candidate to submit to the Swedish government on 5 December.



The Board decides on a timetable for the appointment of a pro-vice-chancellor.


The Board summarises and follows-up the recruitment process on 29 April.


The Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and deputy vice-chancellors take office.


Do you have any questions?

Please contact Academy Clerk Daniel Andersson



Latest update: 2024-04-02