Strategic councils
There are four strategic councils at Umeå University that act advisory to the University within their fields – education, research, administration and equal opportunities.
At Umeå University, there are committees and councils that have decision-making authority and those who act advisory to the Vice-Chancellor. This list of committees and councils only covers those committees and councils that are institution-wide. That is, not those acting on single faculties alone.
The Bildmuseet Board is appointed by the Faculty Board at the Faculty of Arts to be responsible for the specialisation and development of the organisation, define a budget and activity plan in collaboration with the dean of the Faculty of Arts, and to promote the work at Bildmuseet.
Contact: Katarina Pierre, museum director and co-opted member of the Board
The task of the University Board's Budget Committee is to prepare financial matters before decision by the University Board, and when necessary and upon request by the University Board, make decisions on financial matters. The Committee usually meets prior to each University Board assembly, and always whenever allocations of resources and annual report issues are to be discussed.
The Budget Committee consists of the vice chair of the University Board (who here acts as chairperson), the Vice-Chancellor, and one teacher representative and one student representative from the University Board. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor and the University Director have the right to attend. The teacher and student representatives have the right to appoint a personal substitute each.
Contact: Daniel Andersson and Per Ragnarsson
The UPL Council is responsible for the centre's comprehensive development, establishing a budget and activity plan in collaboration with the library director, and to promote the activities of the centre.
Contact: Mikael Sjögren, chairperson
The reimbursement levels for a course are decided depending on the department's disciplinary domain. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Education decides on classification where the faculty or Umeå School of Education lacks mandate to reach a decision. The Course Classification Council processes issues and acts advisory to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor prior to decisions. The Course Classification Council can decide on exceptions.
Contact: Rupali Bhalerao, secretary
The Disciplinary Board can take disciplinary measures against students. All institutions of higher education should have such a board according to the Higher Education Ordinance. The disciplinary measures are warning and suspension. The Board assembles when necessary.
Contact: Linda Lundmark, secretary and legal affairs officer
The overall steering of the Umeå University Library takes place through the Library Board. The Board consists of deans and pro deans, student representatives, one member appointed by the library, and union representatives with the right to make statements and proposals. Every year, the Library Board defines the activity plan and annual report, as well as the annual accounts and budget.
Contact: Dieter Müller, chairperson
Read more about the Library Board
The Board's mission is to ensure the quality of the pedagogical qualification model by ensuring equal assessment of pedagogical proficiency at the different faculties, and recommending decisions for appointment to the faculties, based on the experts' assessments.
Contact: Chatrine Norberg, chairperson
Read more about the Pedagogical Qualification Board on the staff website Aktum.
The Staff Disciplinary Board should, in accordance with the Government Agency Ordinance, try issues of discharge from employment requested due to personal circumstances, when the employment is not a trial period employment, disciplinary responsibilities, indictment, suspension or medical examination.
Contact: Chatarina Larson, secretary and senior legal advisor
The Umeå School of Education Board consists of thirteen members. The director of the School takes the role of chairperson and the deputy director as vice chairperson.
Contact: Lars-Erik Lauritz, director of Umeå School of Education
The University Board is the chief executive organ at the University. The Board assembles four times per year.
Read more about the University Board
The Vice-Chancellor decides on institution-wide policy documents that do not fall under University Board authority, and on matters regarding research, education and finance. Decisions are made at the Vice-Chancellor's Executive Meeting, generally held once per week.
Contact: Dennis Jakobsson, secretary
The Admissions Council should investigate and process issues regarding students' admission to first-cycle studies at the University such as
Contact: Maria Lundgren
The Audit Committee is an advisory body to the University Board concerning issues of the Internal Audit Office's audits. Prior to decision-making in the University Board, the task of the Audit Committee is to
The Audit Committee consists of a chairperson appointed by the University Board among the externally appointed members of the Board, and one teacher and student representative respectively. The head of the Internal Audit Office is the main rapporteur. If required, an expert public official from the University can be co-opted to the Committee. The Committee usually meets prior to each University Board assembly.
Contact: Susanne Hellqvist, main rapporteur and secretary
The university-wide crisis management team consists of the University Director, the head of security, the security coordinator, the head of communications, the head of human resources, the head of student services, the head of the International Office, and a representative of the student unions. The University Director is responsible for leading and coordinating the crisis management team.
Every department or office must also have a crisis management team in the event of small-scale crises.
Contact: Jacob Eriksson, security coordinator
More about crisis management
The task of the Degree Board is to
The board consists of representatives from the faculties, Umeå School of Education, Student Services and the students' unions.
Contact: Maria Rudberg
The Language Council should
Contact: Anna Lawrence, convener and secretary
The Pricing Council is an advisory body regarding the price-fixing of certain internal and external services and products, and the appropriate funding models for these.
Contact: Isabelle Riby, secretary
The University Management Council usually meets once per month and has the role to develop the University together with the Vice-Chancellor and support the decision-making process. The Council consists of the University Management, the deans, the director of Umeå School of Education, the library director, and the three chairpersons of the students' unions.
Contact: Daniel Andersson, academy clerk
The task of the Work Environment Committee is to take part in the planning of and provide guidelines for the systematic work environment undertakings that lead to fulfilling the work environment targets. The Committee should also follow up and analyse the results of the measures taken.
Contact: Jeanette Lövqvist, secretary
There are four strategic councils at Umeå University that act advisory to the University within their fields – education, research, administration and equal opportunities.
Umeå University has ties to many corporations and foundations that help strengthen and improve our contacts with trade and industry. Together we share knowledge and develop new ideas.