Umeå University's departments and units are organised under four faculties; arts, medicine, social sciences and science and technology. In addition, research and education is carried out at seven schools and institutes, and sixteen research centres.
The highest decision-making body at the University is the University Board. Although, the Vice-Chancellor runs the day-to-day work of the University Management. The University Administration, the University Library and the faculties offer important support for the research and education conducted at the departments, centres, institutes, academies and schools.
Organisational chart for Umeå University
Umeå University consists of departments, units, sections, centres, schools, academies, institutes and administrative offices. Find the one you are looking for in the list of the entire organisation.
List of all parts of the organisation
The primary organisational entity of the university is the department. Departments carry out education as well as research within one or several related fields. The department is the primary workplace, not just for students, teachers and researchers, but also for other professionals such as administrators, service staff, technicians and instrument makers. The department is normally led by a departmental board where at least two students are members. The manager of every department has the title head of department (in Swedish: prefekt).
Umeå University’s departments and units are organised under four faculties: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Faculty of Science and Technology. A faculty gathers the closely related subjects through education and research. Each faculty is headed by a dean, who is also the chairperson for the respective faculty board. The faculty boards are responsible for scientific research, undergraduate and postgraduate education within the faculty. The board members are elected to their posts, with exception for the student members.
The schools, academies and institutes at Umeå University offer depth and distinction and coordinate education and research within a given field. Umeå University has six schools, academies or institutes.
Umeå School of Architecture
Umeå Institute of Design
Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics
Umeå Academy of Fine Arts
Umeå School of Education
Umeå School of Sports Sciences
In a research centre, several researchers from varied scientific domains work to solve common problems. A research centre conducts a large part of the university’s interdisciplinary research and have been established with the purpose of stimulating collaborations in the border between various traditional disciplines.
The highest decision-making body at Umeå University is the University Board. It is the responsibility of the Board to decide on, among other things, the distribution of resources within the university.
The Board is made up of eight members who are appointed by the Swedish government. The board represents both community and business interests. Therefore, it is possible to have a chairperson that is not employed at the University.
The Board is also made up of the Vice-Chancellor, three members of the Board who represent teachers, and three members of the Board who represent the students.
Read more about the University Board
The University Management is the second highest decision-making body at Umeå University – after the University Board – and is led by the Vice-Chancellor. The University Management consists of the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor as deputy to the Vice-Chancellor, two Deputy Vice-Chancellors with special responsibilities, the University Director who has the highest authority over the University Administration and the Assistant University Director.
Read more about the University Management
The University Administration is responsible for the supporting processes of strategic planning, administration and infrastructure. There are eleven administrative offices within the University Administration.
Read more about the University Administration
Umeå University Library comprises the University Library, including the Medical Library at the University Hospital of Umeå (NUS) and UB Arts Campus.
The libraries offer services mainly to students and researchers at the University, but are also open to the public.
Read more about the university libraries
Strategic councils
There are four strategic councils at Umeå University
Committees, boards and councils
Decision-making and advisory bodies at Umeå University.
Corporations and foundations
Umeå University has ties to many corporations and foundations
For students of arts, humanities, social sciences and the teacher education.
For everyone studying engineering, science, architecture or design.
For students studying at the Faculty of Medicine.