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Conference grants 2025

Umeå municipality, Region Västerbotten and Umeå University annually sets aside funding for conferences. Contributions to conferences at Umeå University are provided through co-funding of social events in conjunction with the conference, such as a conference dinner or reception.

Conditions for funding

Funds must be used to promote Umeå University and Umeå town. Hence, only conferences held in Umeå can be granted funding.

Funding can be granted for the co-funding of social events such as a conference lunch or dinner.

Funding cannot be granted for travel costs, subsistence allowances, speakers’ fees, internal business entertainment, gifts or cost of premises.

Conference grants are only granted once and are not intended for annual gatherings aimed at the same group of people.


The grant amount that can be applied for is based on an estimated number of attendees. The sum that can be granted per person is stated below. The maximum total amount to apply for is SEK 60,000.

  • National conferences – SEK 200 per person
  • Nordic conferences – SEK 225 per person
  • International conferences – SEK 275 per person


Apply by filling out the application form Conference grants 2025 found under the headline Fonder/utlysning.

Describe the conference and enclose the programme. A budget for the event must also be enclosed with the application. Email the application to the Registry and Archives at medel@diarie.umu.se or by post or in person to the Registry and Archives in the University Administration Building, Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå. Specify the registration number FS 2.1.6-2005-24 in the application. If you are submitting your application by email, please also type the registration number in the subject field.

Applications for conference grants may be submitted continuously throughout the year. The administration period is approximately one month.

Reporting after the event or cancelled event

After completion of the conference, the number of participants that attended in person must be reported and funding be requested.

The report and request for disbursement of granted funds (requisition) must be sent to karina.sandstrom@umu.se at the Planning Office.

Submit information as soon as possible if the conference is cancelled.


Latest update: 2024-11-28