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Lectures at the Annual Celebration

This is the lecture programme for the 2023 Annual Celebration.

20 October at 11:00–12:00

Inauguration of the Annual Celebration Ceremony and exhibition about this year's honorary doctors, new professors and award recipients. Library Director Mikael Sjögren opens the exhibition.

During the opening ceremony, one of the honorary doctors, Anneli Furmark, will give a lecture entitled Real and Unreal (in Swedish).

Everyone is welcome to mingle, listen and view the exhibition. There will be live music and refreshments.

Location: The Study Hall at the University Library

21 October at 9:00–12:00

In the morning of 21 October, honorary doctors, professors and award recipients give lectures. Each lecture is 20 minutes with a 10 minute pause in between. Refreshments will be served at 10:20.

Annual Celebration Lectures 2023

This programme contains all lectures held in English. To see all lectures, switch the language setting to Swedish on this page.

Sortera lista
  • 09.00-09.20

    • Aboveground-belowground linkages and global change

      David Wardle, professor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
    • Food as a force for change: Collaboratively embodying systemic transformation across scales

      Danielle Wilde, professor, Umeå Institute of Design (UID)
  • 09.30-09.50

    • A race against time: The influence of emotions and fatigue in sport performance and physical activity

      Paul Davis, professor, Department of Psychology
  • 10.00-10.20

    • The effects of unemployment on health and well-being of family members

      Anna Baranowska-Rataj, professor, Centre for Demographic and Aging Research at Umeå University (CEDAR),
    • The genomes of Swedish forest trees

      Nathaniel Street, professor, Department of Plant Physiology
  • 10.40-11.00

    • Optical frequency combs reveal the secrets of molecules

      Aleksandra Foltynowicz Matyba, professor Department of Physics
    • Public support for climate policies: Lessons from France

      Thomas Douenne, Assistant Professor in Economics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands – The Erik Kempe Award
  • 11.10-11.30

    • Are cryptocurrencies doomed to fail? A signaling theory perspective

      Norbert Steigenberger, professor and award recipient, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE)
    • International collaboration in higher education

      Sharon M. Kolb, Professor Emerita, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA – Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
    • MicroProteins – Small proteins with big impact

      Stephan Wenkel, professor, Department of Plant Physiology
  • 11.40-12.00

    • An update from the Front: Are we winning the "war" on cancer?

      Nigel Mongan, professor, University of Nottingham, Great Britain – Honorary Doctor of Medicine
    • Food transitions in a changing world

      Armando Perez-Cueto, professor, Department of Food, Nutrition and Culinary Science
    • Using the oceans to mitigate climate change?

      Nicholas Kamenos, professor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Latest update: 2023-10-16