Information how Umeå University handles purchases, procurement and how to become a supplier.
Becoming a supplier
Advertisements for new procurements are made at e-Avrop
The law of public procurement decides what purchases must be advertised by Umeå University and in what way. More information about rules concerning purchases can be found at The Swedish Competition Authority, Public Procurement.
All procurements are made through the system e-Avrop . All publications, questions, answers are handled online. Documents are not handled in paper format.
Read all publications in time and check the final date for questions and the final date to bid. Information can be found both in the system and in attached publications.
Note the demands. Ask questions at an early stage and make sure to address any faults in the publications as soon as possible.
Umeå University is an authority and purchases shall be in accordance with the Public Procurement Act 2016: 1145. This means that the authority will always strive to procure goods, services and contracts in competition.
Competition shall be maintained through the following approach:
Non-discrimination The contracting authority may not discriminate against a supplier on grounds of nationality, whether the supplier comes from a country within or outside the EU, and the specifications must not contain discriminatory requirements.
Equal treatment Tenderers and candidates must have as many prerequisites as possible to participate in procurement. The information should be equal and accessible to all at once.
Proportionality The specifications must not contain requirements that are not necessary for the current procurement. The requirements imposed by the contracting entity or authority shall be in proportion to and proportionate to the one to be procured.
Transparency The contracting entity or authority is required to provide information on procurement and how tenderers handles the procurement. The procurement process must be predictable and transparent. The specifications must be clear and contain all the requirements for what is to be procured. The purchaser must also not waive the demands made.
Mutual recognition A contracting entity or authority that wishes a tenderer to demonstrate that it meets certain requirements must accept proof and certificate from the competent authorities of other countries.
Procurement process
Needs A need for a product or service arises within Umeå University. The need is defined in a specification.
Preparation of specifications The tender documents are the overall basis describing what to procure, what requirements are placed on the tenderer and the subject of the procurement and how the tender will be evaluated.
The tender documents consist of several documents. For example, invitation, administrative regulations, technical specifications, contractual proposals, other attachments and standard regulations.
Advertising The procurement is made in the E-avrop procurement system and on the Umeå University website. Low-value purchases, so-called direct purchases, do not need to be advertised.
Tender The supplier answers the questions in the system and uploads any attachments.
Qualification and tender testing Tenderers and tenders are checked and evaluated as described in the specifications.
Allocation Decisions are announced in the system, indicating which suppliers have won the procurement. Agreements can be signed no earlier than ten days later.
Contract Signing Contracts are signed with winning supplier / suppliers.
Follow-up Follow-up of the agreement is ongoing during the contract period.
A project is underway to introduce electronic handling of orders for goods and services. The system is developed in the financial system Raindance and is expected to be fully introduced in spring 2019. Currently, training is ongoing for users.