Climate Framework for Swedish Higher Education Institutions
The challenges of climate change must be met by changes in all sectors of society. SUHF notes that Institutions of higher education (HEIs) have an essential part to play in this work. In order to publicise its climate-related work and to provide support for HEIs, on October 20th 2021, the
Congress of the Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF) adopted the following Climate Framework for Higher Education Institutions in Sweden.
Climate Framework
Swedish institutions of higher education see combating climate change as a crucial, high-priority challenge for the future of society. We therefore commit our institutions to the following actions:
We will continue, through teaching, research and collaboration, to contribute to society’s efforts to attain its climate goals.
We will reduce climate impact in line with national and international commitments.
We will set up far-reaching targets for our climate-related work and allocate resources to reach those targets and to monitor progress.
We will clearly communicate our work on combating climate change in order to inspire both other organizations and individual citizens.