Education, together with research, is Umeå University’s most important contributor to a sustainable transition of society.
Umeå University is one of Sweden’s biggest higher education institutions with about 38,000 students in around 150 study programmes and 1,800 courses as well as with nearly 900 doctoral students in 115 subjects. By integrating sustainability in education, students are provided with knowledge and skills to use as citizens and decision-makers when meeting present and future sustainability challenges.
Follow-up of the targeted goals
Action plan for climate and sustainability contains the university's strategic goals and overall activities for the period 2021-2023. The results of follow-ups for the two targeted goals within the focus area of education and students, are reported here.
Goal 1. Sustainable development is integrated in education on all levels
Sustainable development is a pervasive perspective in the university's Quality System for Education. In practice, this means that those responsible must work actively to integrate such aspects into all study programmes, and follow up on the outcome of the work. The faculties' directors of studies have classified their respective programmes, based on whether sustainable development is a pervasive perspective in accordance with the university's quality system.
Here is how we are doing:
Programmes having a focus on sustainable development, or having sustainable development as a degree objective:
Year 2018: 107 out of 139 (77%) programmes
Year 2020: 113 out of 145 (78%) programmes
Year 2021: 130 out of 165 (79%) programmes
Programmes having sustainable development as pervasive perspective:
Year 2022: 138 out of 162 (85%) programmes.
Year 2023: 134 out of 160 (84%) programmes.
Year 2024: 146 out of 160 (91%) programmes.
Goal 2. The knowledge and commitment of students and staff comes to use in the university’s environmental sustainability work
The students' experiences, views and commitment are important resources for the university in the development of our activities. Of course, this also applies to our work with climate and sustainability matters.
For goal 2, we have chosen the indicator "Number of projects that include student collaboration". During 2024, students have been involved in some several sustainability projects. Examples are:
Development of a sampling programme and measures to improve the ecological status of the University Pond.
Establishment of a checklist for sustainable laboratories.
Read about our activities within this area
Here are some examples of activities in the key area of Education and students that have been carried out in recent years.