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Featured stories

Porträttbild på Tora Holmberg
Tora Holmberg candidate as Vice-Chancellor of Umeå University

Professor Tora Holmberg will be presented to the Hearing Assembly at Umeå University.

Två mindre bassänger utomhus.
Receives SEK 15 million: Will create degradable plastic – from algae

Biomass from algae is converted into plastic used in lamps and packaging.

Illustration av hur planeten Mars samverkar med solvinden
New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind

Under certain conditions the induced magnetosphere of Mars can degenerate, a study in Nature shows.

Daniel Chartier och Malin Isaksson inleder symposiet.
Gender and sexuality in literature, arts and media

Researchers from Sweden, Canada and France came together to present on a common theme.

Bild på prideflagga
Join Umeå University in the Pride parade!

Umeå University is taking part in the Pride parade in Umeå. All students and employees are welcome to join!

Person som arrangerar bilder med designtema.
Feminist research challenges design museums

What role does design play in sustaining discriminatory and patriarchal systems

Two girls studying and having a good laugh.
Master's programmes

Advance your career with an international master's degree. We offer over 40 degrees across many disciplines.

Image of inernational students together
Chat with our students!

Are you wondering what it's really like to study at Umeå University? Ask one of our current students.

Student voices

"This programme has been a transformative experience for me"

Meet Amy Nwoku from Nigeria, master's student in Public Health with a specialization in health economics.

“I’ve learned a lot about the different directions to pursue after my studies”

Meet Joost Vossers, master's student in Artificial Intelligence from the Netherlands.

"It's been a pretty cool journey of learning and self-discovery!"

Meet Silvia Estela Morales Gutiérrez, master's student in Cognitive Science from Guatemala.

Climate and sustainability

Umeå University's ambition is to actively contribute to the sustainable transition of society.

Vision and strategies

The vision and basic values form the basis for how students and staff should treat each other and the planet.

Make a donation

In what way do you want to contribute to research and development at Umeå University?