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Umeå University at FIEP in Madrid
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7 reasons to choose Umeå University

Your journey to success starts here.

Featured stories

Václava Hazuková, cellting water samples from an Arctic lake.
Peering through the ice to uncover the secrets of Arctic lakes

Václava Hazuková, KBC-Kempe postdoc, researches carbon storage in Arctic lakes.

En kvinna med långt hår och svart polotröja.
Solar wind shapes the planet Mars

Qi Zhang's research shows how the atmosphere on Mars has evolved over time and may look like in the future.

Fästing kryper på hud
TBE detected in Västerbotten County – new study examines virus spread

Smaller study expanded to include more locations and investigate whether people have been exposed.

En robot som är kvinnligt kodad håller i en bebis. AI-genererad.
AI and Kinship – can a robot be family?

Research project analyses how artificial intelligence is a part of family formations in speculative fiction.

Study AI at Umeå University

Over 50 years of experience in AI research and education!

Wants to reduce debris and interference in X-rays

Anders Garpebring wants to get sharper and clearer results from images of cancerous tumors, with help of AI.

Student voices

"This programme has been a transformative experience for me"

Meet Amy Nwoku from Nigeria, master's student in Public Health with a specialization in health economics.

“I’ve learned a lot about the different directions to pursue after my studies”

Meet Joost Vossers, master's student in Artificial Intelligence from the Netherlands.

"It's been a pretty cool journey of learning and self-discovery!"

Meet Silvia Estela Morales Gutiérrez, master's student in Cognitive Science from Guatemala.

Climate and sustainability

Umeå University's ambition is to actively contribute to the sustainable transition of society.

Vision and strategies

The vision and basic values form the basis for how students and staff should treat each other and the planet.

Make a donation

In what way do you want to contribute to research and development at Umeå University?