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AI Education

Umeå University is offering number of AI and machine learning courses on undergraduate level as part of different education programmes. We are also giving skills development courses for professionals in industry and public organisations.

As artificial intelligence is becoming integral to more and more academic disciplines, the understanding and application of AI technologies is also becoming part of the required skill set for more and more professionals in a growing number of industries and sectors.

AI on Undergraduate Level

As a consequence, basic education in different fields is currently being developed to integrate AI. Umeå University is offering a number of AI and machine learning courses on the undergraduate level as part of different education programmes.

Master's Programme in Artificial Intelligence

A new master’s programme on AI was launched in 2020. The Master’s programme in artificial intelligence gives broad knowledge of AI and deepened knowledge in profile areas such as theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence, human-AI interaction, intelligent robotics, machine learning or data science. Following your degree, you can pursue a research career or a career as an AI specialist in the industry or the public sector.

We are also giving skills development courses for professionals in the industry and public organisations.

AI Competence for Sweden

Umeå University is one of seven universities participating in the governmental effort AI Competence for Sweden. See also the Umeå local web page for AI Competence for Sweden. The aim of this initiative is to strengthen Sweden’s competencies and competitiveness in AI, but also to promote lifelong learning. The participating institutions are building a national collaboration platform for applied research and education across universities.

AI courses and programmes on undergraduate and advanced level

Artificial Intelligence in Cognitive Science (7,5 Credits, Bachelor's Level)

Deep Learning - metoder och tillämpningar (Ges på svenska, 7,5 Credits, Bachelor's level)

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (7,5 Credits, Bachelor's Level)

Artificial Intelligence - Methods and Applications (7,5 Credits, Master's Level)

Convolutional Neural Networks with Applications in Medical Image Analysis (7,5 Credits, Master's Level)

Design of interactive intelligent environments (7,5 Credits, Master's Level)

Human Robot Interaction (7,5 Credits, Master's Level)

Interactivity in smart environments (7,5 Credits, Master's Level)

Machine learning (7,5 Credits, Master's Level)

Master's Programme in Artificial Intelligence (120 Credits, Master's Level)

Project course in Machine Vision (7,5 Credits, Master's Level)

Theoretical Perspectives in Cognitive Science (7,5 Credits, Master's Level)

Trends in interactive intelligent environments (7,5 Credits, Master's Level)

AI courses for industry and organizations

Umeå University is one of ten universities that are part of the governmental initiative AI Competence for Sweden, aimed at raising knowledge about AI. Our courses are conducted in collaboration with research groups, industry, business and society. You can find them here.


Latest update: 2023-09-05