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Published: 2022-06-01

USBE Alumni Foundation Prize 2022

NEWS The 2022 recipient of the USBE Alumni Foundation's scholarship of SEK 10,000, which is awarded in collaboration with Swedbank, has been appointed.

The recipient is Hjalmar Johnson, student at the Business Administration and Economics Program (Civilekonomprogrammet). The award will be handed out at the annual graduation ceremony. Throughout his studies, Hjalmar has been active in the student association HHUS and in particular the Finance Mastery in where he has worked to make the issues of finance visible through both events and articles in the student magazine Ekbladet.

Emelie Viklund, Swedbank Umeå and partner for the Alumni Foundation's award; "We at Swedbank are proud and happy to be a part of handing out this fine prize to a very worthy representative! We hope that Hjalmar benefits from the prize and wish him all the best in the future!"

Hjalmar about the award; "Really fun and honoring to be awarded this year's scholarship by the USBE Alumni Foundation. It feels incredibly fun to receive a confirmation that the time and commitment that has been put into the side of the studies has been appreciated. I would like to take the opportunity to send a greeting to all of you who have also been involved and who have laid the foundation for the student activities that exist today. For me, it is a big part of what makes the university both fun and educational. With this, I also want to encourage current and future students to get involved. It's really heavenly fun!"

Fellow students comment about Hjalmar: "An unpretentious role model who always encourages and motivates to engage in both extracurricular activities and to aim for good study results."